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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:23 am
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What will happen to Synthetikal if the hive comes back?
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:29 am
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Synthetikal will be here forever no mater what happens
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:35 am
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This is not about what will happen to synthetikal, as we've becomed an entity of our own......the need for help is real and we owe it to the Hive to be restored as many of us are members there also.

The more forums the better hence information is not locked up anywhere so with the Hive back on , we allbenefit as information has a tendency to get distributed by the members
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:43 am
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Java, the hive were dead against sharing there data,
We are about to give every user, a copy of the database,
So it would be like going backwards, on the whole collective sharing idea.!

Can we get some more information on the hive,
Like who will be running it and why it went down, and maybee a note from Rhodium explaining what happened, why they went down,

I don't want to be a downer, but when these things are done, I think people will be more willing to donate money,

I think people are suspicious about actually where the money is going, and who it is going to,

To just rely on blind faith, seems very unusual,

Servers do not cost that much to set up,
even a note from the boards admins, would not be that hard to procure,

We will give the hive free server spave, and if they asked us really nicely, we would pay for their own server,

Maybee before they start asking for money, we could get some answers,

Java, you keep insisting on putting all this information on our board,
maybee you would like to ask us here, before you did things like that,

We have no connection to the hive, and things are going really well here,
we are trying really hard, to be offer good services, but you you seem to want to do is, put us into this interim catergory,\

that hurts

All the admins here

Maybee if you had your own forum, would you want us to keep drilling everyone to raise money for another site,
This is a very touchy subject, cannot we just get on with the job, and just forget about the maybee, and the if's

What about when the hive was in it's infancy, do you think they would like people saying, oh you can't forget about ADC, we must raise money,

We are differnt to ADC and the hive, and I am sure the hive can begin by themselves, without any money

The facts are that the hive has been down almost 6 months now, with not a peep from any of the old admins,
Something very bad happened by the sounds of it,

Lets just get on with the job, and let dead dogs lie,

I know i will probably get slammed for saying what i truly feel,
but this is our new forum, it it really gives us all the shits,
We started this becuase the hive was unreliable, and became a very cold place at its end,
you couldn't even post a hello, without getting a "insignificant"

So tell the hive, we will give them a free server, so you can stop putting these unofficial donation sites on our site,

That is where we stand, and if they don't accept the offer, and if rhod's can't get in touch with us then, you know that it is bogus,
and the hive if it does ever open, will it be the same?

now isn't that fair?

Last edited by Guest on Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:56 am
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I agree with syn we will give them there own dedicated server as our contribution we cant offer more than that then they do not need the donations but whats the bet they refuse,

Send blank money orders to this post box are they joking and then wonder why no one does think about it a bit
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:56 am
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Ouch.......sorry, I will be more sensible and ask about posting needs for other boards, just thought we all wanted the Hive back! I can recind my post if you like as I had no idea it would upset the peace on this
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:02 am
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Thats ok java because our offer stands we will give them a dedicated server to get them back but i am not sending any blank money orders anywhere

you cant do better than that so you can now tell them to contact syn or i to organise it we will be more than happy to do it
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:04 am
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Everyone here, would be upset by that,
As we are all in on this together, that is our difference,
This place is run by all of us,
And we all care quite a bit about it,

don't stress, i think if you were involved in the direction of this board, like the admins, then you would feel our pain,

W just got tired of waiting, and moved on,
and this is as precious to us, as the hive was,

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Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:40 am
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"over-specialisation breeds weakness" - ghost in the shell

yet the more forums the thinner the spread and the increase in effort and possibly lost time through similiar efforts being carried out unaware of thier redundancy.

i have no problem with the hive coming back online, i think it would no doubt lead to good things, and perhaps bring alot of old hive people and energy back online and active,

but its not as though there is a major need for more places of discussion or expression in this area, we allready have multiple added forums hosted here, yet i see they get very little use, though they represent good viable discussion topics.

it doesnt seem like much work in the beginning, but it does take time for every forum you are keeping track of to what ever extent that is.

Arrow i think the new ways are coming whether we know it or not, they will reveal them selves and manifest in ways which can only lead to new things and more novelty.

if something happens it happens , lets not let rivialry create divisions or feelings of resent towards others as this can only lead to restrictions in flow of happenings Wink
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:42 am
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Rhodium said he was going for a degree, first a BS then a PhD, I believe. He probably has to concentrate on that.
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:46 am
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I am all for the hive, to come back up, as i have said, we will fund it,
Straight away, we have the bandwidth, and the space,

it's just the cross posting for donations on our board,
it feels wrong, and underhanded, that's all,

As lief said, it will happen when it happens,
we are a result, the phoenix from the fire, and there are many others,
Wd, science maddnes, and a few other select boards, that have surfaced since the hive,

It is a good thing, that all this has happened, nothing is wrong with choice,
Every generation becomes stronger,
If we go down now, at any point, we will come straight back up, at a different server,
Which reminds me, to tell everyone that when that day does come, just make sure your email account that you sent here is working,
And everything should be ok,

i understand exactly where rhod's is coming from,
I am also doing a degree, and there is no way in hell , that anybody could ever match Rhod's dedication,
He was a gentle genius,
so let us all group to together, and not fight each other,
lets fight against those that have led to the demise of hobbychemist sites,
That is our enemy,

We have opened the new forms to cater for people interests,
they are all run by other people,
i am not in control of any of those sites,
They need to develop on their own,
They need to have more passionate people running them, to get to the level of this board,
But they will, in time,
If they follow in the footsteps of this site, and provide good content, then they are destined for great things,

All we want to do, is create an umbrella community, where sites can not fear, going down, or having to pay money, to keep the information up,

That is the sole reason we have the adds,
And we are just barely scraping through, and they are paying for all the things you see around you,
Admittadly i was a bit grumpy this morning, as when i woke up, java's note was the first thing i read, sorry java,

So if the hive comes back, and is not run by rhodium,
then it will not be the hive,

that's all,
We have all grown to love this site, i didn't realize how attached to it i was, until i read java's post,
(just a girl, in love with her board)

Last edited by Guest on Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:42 am
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I think it is fair that people know where there money is going,
And there is a good chance the hive, as we knew it, will never come back,

But look at all the good sites that have come out of it,

look at the way, we are pulling together to rebuild our community,
look what we have learnt,

we have a software programmer working on making an interface for gmail, so all users can share resources,
When things get broken, they get repaired stronger than ever before,
look how much we all deeply want a forum for all our chemistry needs,

The hive was a continuation from ADC, and we are a continuation from the hive,
Lets let things progress, and I am sure we will become even more specialised, over time,

I am so impressed by all the effort from everyone done here,
We work like no team I know,
We love this field,

So much that we are willing to host the hive for free, and any other alternative site, to protect it,
We have found a good system to manage finances,
so let us all be happy, that we have lots of places to go now,

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Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:51 am
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im prob one of the most hesitant add clickers around,

but the relevantness of the ones here (which must have something to do with their success) as well as their plain simple format , even has me clicking on the odd one to find out more... Cool
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:21 am
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good point Nubee,

the adds are quite good, google certainly does a good job,
I guess their secret is the relevance of the adds,

They make almost enough at the moment to pay for our server,

And again, we are looking for a more secure place to rest out site,

So we would really appreciate it, if anyone does know of any reliable Offshore servers,
This is a can of worms, because we must find a good acting government, that supports free speech, and that is outside US,UK & AUS
I am not sure what Canada is like in regards to free speech,
But my best hunch is Amsterdam, would be a good place

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Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:08 am
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...fear, confusion, and skepticism will likely be part of this nascent (re)growth of dissemination of information of this nature. Discussing whether donations to The Hive is prudent is natural given the very justifiable suspicion that many harbor given that boards like these, in the context of our current political climate, foster such fears and skepticism. What is so disheartening is that The Hive, Synthetikal, and similar boards should be (as Java suggests) as common, and more importantly, as welcome, in an advanced society as say agricultural development, the search for new energy sources, or the exploration generally of the world/universe we live in. Instead, certain governments (with the US leading the way with gusto) attempt to push amatuer/hobbyist exploration of many disciplines back into the "dark ages". Their motives, we are told, are based in "national security" and freedom from harm. Any individual with an eye for the truth knows that these are platitudes irrconciliable with the truth and downright specious (and more likely rooted in said governments lust for power).

Learning and advancing as a society always has and always will carry risks, but to suppress certain areas of learning/development by the public simply because these certain governments--placed in power by self-serving corporate greed--also clearly suppresses creativity and potential innovation.

I was watching "October Sky" a few nights ago, and thought to myself that the discovery and innovation accomplished by the teenagers in that movie, were it set in today's climate of fear and paranoia, would be extremely difficult if not impossible. This is very discouraging given that for hundreds of years, many hobbyists/amatuer scientists could be counted as a viable segment of the scientific community as the work of these "amatuers" (Thomas Edison is one example out of many) led to many breakthroughs in knowledge not previously accomplished by their commercial/corporate counterparts. This fact needs to be remembered if we are to continue to advance and grow as an "enlightened" society.

So, once again, I applaud Synthetika and other administrators, and the community at Synthetikal as a whole for their tireless efforts to keep the information and the progress derived from that information alive.

Last edited by Huxley on Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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