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Dreamreader Deluxe
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Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:34 am
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The goal is not to stay out of jail

Oh, I dunno - for me it IS....

And "A massive array of semi-to-non-hazardous chemicals", in combination with the sensitive content of our site, could very well be the reason for destroying a whole life and future (that of the person who will be made resonsible for selling chemicals supposedly used in drug manufacturing, to be more exact Crying or Very sad ).

Believe me, if they want to, they WILL get you, as soon as they discover the smallest error.

This has even happened with dear Dr. Shulgin himself - ALTHOUGH he was their affiliate in a way, and they did it just because their officials disliked what he was doing. And his mistake consisted just of violating storage regulations AFAIK, not of selling possible precursor chemicals (not that I think we would ever sell real precursors to anything illegal; its more that they just can make it look like that very easily for the court, and to your very disadvantage...)
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Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:56 am
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hey, i think we've said enough, if i remeber it was concluded back quite a few posts that we would just do referals Rolling Eyes
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Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:32 pm
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I do agree that glassware and equipment is relatively easy to obtain...even chems such as P-Benzoquinone & Palladium Chloride are easy to obtain off ebay....its just that damned sass oil that gives me the biggest hunt Laughing
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Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:14 am
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We are not going to sell chemicals, as this would lead to our demise, unforunately.
We will have links to glassware, and that will probably be about it,
There will be no chemicals or glass companies, that will be tied to this forum,
and as indole said, we just don't want to risk the demise of this forum, or any other,
Yes, if it can happen to shulgin, then it can happen to us,
As much we don't do anything outside of the law here, we are not preapred to risk, any liability,
The fact of the matter is that we are labelled" Drug parafenalia" and "sites of drug glorification" untill we can remove this subjective rating, and seek mainstream acceptabilty, then we would be pushing shi- up hill,
But we will strive to squash this, and if we have to we will open another board, that is within regulation, and will have stronger posting regulations, so people who are legitimate hobbiest's can get the things they need online,

But for now, we can recommend, and give links to places, where you can buy all the online equipment you need,

I will say that we are legitimate chemists, and will will always try to get the things you need available here,
The law states that if we think that the equipment is to be used for illegal purposes, then it must be declared,
I think this is why having the store here, would not be a good idea,

This is not the end, of this chapter, and we will do all that we can to give hobbiest chemists the tools they need, maybee not here, but there will be a place,

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voted for the moon
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Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:02 am
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Everyday I come here a little, just a little,everytime I'm feeling more at home. I'm feeling like I'm back at the hive. This site is special, its free from all the ego's. Just please try to do everything to continue this specialness synth. Although we would all love for there to be a place where we could dicuss, learn, buy equipment, buy chemicals, its just not reality in my country and I know alotta people from my country are members of this site. The police want nothing more then to shut down this site.
Even just reffering people to sites is trouble in my eyes. I can not believe (though I'm wrong all the time so...) that a "straight" buissness would want your buissness.

Think about it, you have created a buisness, no small feat, now who the hell on earth would want to put their neck out on the line for our community? It could end up with them in jail. "We" aren't worth it even to people sympathetic to our cause.

I peronally don't like the way cetain drugs have played on my commnity, If I had a chemical buisness yea I probally would be sympathetic to say a mdma chemist, but not on the other hand to a methedrine chemist. Laws aren't the only problem here, its eatch individuals involveds own morals.
Sassafras oil is not exisistent. Not that I could ever find. And maybe, just maybe its for my own good. Maybe if it were as easy as to go on a site and get some, I would get it and start up, without first learning chemistry. Then one day BOOM. I die and maybe some freinds and family find out I was on this site, and they look up all this information, and they see that equipment and oil's and shit were available here.... and no maybe NOT EXACTLEY here but linked from here. See what I'm saying,the fact alone that some things are hard to find is good. It weeds out the players from the children. Who knows maybe if everything I was ever interested was avilable to me, I'd be dead. Its just reality.

I'm comlpleatly speaking theoretically here, but do you understand what I'm saying. You big shots here, your big because you were interested in somthing, you taught yourslef, and you made your dreams a reality. Unfortunetly you also share this sapce with people who don't have a fucking clue what h2O is let alone MDP2P. And they won't be smart to take it slow, they will set up shop and kill someone or themselves. Clandestine chemistry is clandestine damn chemistry. Its not a game and it is extreamly extreamly dangerous. Thats why law officials will always hate you people and will stop at nothing till they put you behind bars. Because to them you are dangerous, and the sites that give info out are worse because it spreads to what they think is more trouble.

I dunno just my 2cents and like I said its all theoretical. But unfortunetly hindsite is 20-20. Think think and think again. I know its been said you weren't going to sell chems but seriously synth think, think, think. Get a lawyer ask him. [edit] or her sorry didn't mean to be sexist

Last edited by THE MOON RULES --1 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chemical Dj
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Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:32 am
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Damn..... WELL SAID! I already ommented on this subject so I have no more to say about that. But all the other stuff you said was really on point. They do hate all the chemists out there. And there would be no reason anyone whose not a chemist would help illeagle cooks. Good Point. Peace Out......
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Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:30 am
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Any such association will be: Go straight to jail. Do not pass GO.
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Insistent Chemist
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Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:24 am
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What happened to strike....?
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Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:56 am
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I share your thoughts, everyone, we will just stick to legitimizing the forums first, One step at a time.

It's is too much too soon, It will be many a year before this freedom is ours

It's like the ones that control the world, are absolutley bloody stupid, and the ones that actually have any sence, have absolutly no power at all,

we are not in a position to test the goverments resolve at the moment, regardless of how much we would all want to,

There are plenty of fine distributors on the net, and I do not take it as too much of a punishment, not being able to do what we want,
It's something we all get used to, and accpet as status Quo,
And that is why we find such peace and refuge here

Thanks for all your thoughts,
A group decision has been made, and I must tell you all that I am incrediably proud of all the work, that we have all put in, to make this place what it is,

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Master Archiver
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Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:26 am
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icecool wrote:
What happened to strike....?

Ecstasy figure sentenced to eight years
SAN DIEGO – A self-described authority in the underground Ecstasy world who supplied clandestine laboratories with chemicals used to manufacture the drug was sentenced today to eight years in prison.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Whelan ordered Hobart Huson, 25, to surrender Nov. 10 to begin serving his sentence.

The defendant was taken into custody in October 2001 when Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided a drug lab in Escondido, described as one of the largest and most sophisticated Ecstasy labs ever found in the country.

Huson pleaded guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute a listed chemical (safrole), knowing that it would be used to manufacture a controlled substance.

The defendant was the designer and administrator of the popular Web site, "The Hive," which offered information on the use and production of Ecstasy, authorities said.

Huson also wrote "Total Synthesis" and "Total Synthesis II," which gave detailed recipes on how to manufacture Ecstasy.

Almost all of the substances sold by Huson's Texas-based company, "The Science Alliance," were non-listed and non-regulated chemicals, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Robinson.

"Dateline NBC" produced an hourlong show two years ago featuring Huson and his business.

i think what we are/where talking about here is very different to what he was upto...for starters the suggestions were only of legal activities.
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Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:24 am
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Shit, i have never seen that post before Nubee,

Oh my, so that is what happened,
Well, I don't think that will happen to us,
Thankfully, we are only interested in chemistry

It must a been a very interesting life for Strike, even despite his eventual demise with the law,

Synthetikal, is only about chemistry, Just like any good organic chem book, and the discussion of chemical interactions,

The pieces of the puzzle seem to be revealing that what we are doing here, is safe, and within the law, since everything here is just theoretical discussions,
I think that sites of this nature can close as soon as they are involved in illegal activities, of which we are not, and never will.

Although one day soon, we will be hiring chemists, to perform reactions , that we all agree on here are deemed important and necessary,

WE are not a drug parafenalia site, nor do we encourage drug use of any kind,
WE just discuss chemistry, and the continuation and exploration of new compounds,

The reason i say this, is because this is the current way we are viewed, and it is not the case,
So until we gain acceptance as chemistry discussion site, and not a drug discussion board, I will keep working,

Knowing that the hive stayed afloat whilst it's creator was sent into detention, makes us think that we are here to stay,and not so prone to someone pulling the plug on us, and our discussion boards will be able to keep growing and growing, without always looking behind it's back

This is good news, for all chemistry forums
I will sleep better at night,
As it stands now, we have a good back-up system in place, and would like all members to know that complete site back-ups are being made every week!


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Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:17 am
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i like this sound of leasing out analytical and research work to laboratory's with all the gear and knowledge. id donate for sure.

i imagine seeing a running total nearing the needed mark for an experiment to be conducted that was voted on and discussed by the community , and then spending all day clicking on adds to help it along, or just donating the 50c or 500$ through paypal...
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Dreamreader Deluxe
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Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:00 pm
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Sythetikal - the global home for online reaction auctions... Laughing

("Congratulations! You have just bought 4 shares for a O2 Wacker!" Very Happy )
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Chemically Balanced
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Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:18 pm
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That actually sounds like a great idea - about the purchasing of reaction experiments.

You can have say 5 experiments that we choose are of interest to us. You find a company that gives you a price - including DETAILED procedures and results, and we fund the reactions through donations!

Keep the donation method anonymous and I *will* donate.
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Master Archiver
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Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:11 am
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synthetika wrote:
Shit, i have never seen that post before Nubee,

-i didnt either until just a few days before, it turned up in a google search by co-incidence, and then felt very informed as to more details of such a prominent figure.
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