ergot777 (Stranger)
05-24-02 22:39
No 313720
      psilocybin  Bookmark   

I have an old experiencia in relation the mushrooms, as psilocybe Mexican (cubensis); Currently I am studying the groups of indol, more especeficicamente it would triptamines.would like them of some information, how much the sintetica construction of indois. somebody could help me?
(Chief Bee)
05-25-02 06:18
No 313885
      Indole & Tryptamine syntheses  Bookmark   

ergot777: Check out the documents listed under the TRyptamine heading at ../rhodium /index.html#tryptamines
05-27-02 14:54
No 314744
      return  Bookmark   

I am thankful for the attention. I entered in this place I find that for the door of the deep one... Well, I go to try to enter for the front,ok... I am Brazilian, young, chemistry taste very, have a certain místico knowledge, chemical study in level technician, to put my English is not very good. I wait to keep conmtato with people of open mind... cool[blue]thanks
05-28-02 20:24
No 315265
      hello & welcome... of course, rhodium's website ...  Bookmark   

hello & welcome...
of course, rhodium's website has much chemical literature ../rhodium/
and there is a site hosted by the lycaeum that is in portughese
maybe other brazil & spanish sites as well but i don't remember them, oh well...

don't you folks ever sleep?